
Mag.a Bettina Deutsch-Dabernig

Head of Exhibitions & Deputy Director

Mag.a Nikola Köhler-Kroath

Head of Learning

Schlau Tüfteln

Things that have already been invented or still have to be invented

Who actually invented the telephone? Since when are popsicles around? Why are Moonboots called Moonboots? And what is a handcar?

This hands-on non-fictional book is full of inventions. It tells stories of great and small inventors, tinkerers, dreamers and visionaries. It tells of successes and failures, high flights and setbacks. And it shows that small brainwaves can sometimes achieve great things. In addition, Schlau Tüfteln offers plenty of room for one’s own ideas and encourages children to invent creatively and tinker cleverly. Amazing inventions motivate to tinker.

Bettina Deutsch-Dabernig, Nikola Köhler-Kroath: Schlau Tüfteln. Things that have already been invented or still have to be invented. With illustrations in colour by Matthias Veitleder, comics from Unter freiem Himmel and photos by Maria Brinkop. 255 pages. Neustadt an der Weinstraße: Umschau Verlag 2016. Interactive non-fictual book. Ages 8 and up. ISBN 978-3-86528-826-4, published by the Klaus Tschira Foundation.

Already out of print!