
How can AR enhance storytelling in museums?

A(R)dventures is the only Mixed Reality application in a museum worldwide using haptic exhibits to trigger and control holograms.

Facts about A(R)dventure

  • 3 episodes about climate change in 3 rooms
  • 18 exhibits on 200 m²
  • 6 exhibits in each room
  • 40 Microsoft HoloLenses

The rooms in A(R)dventure

  • Every room has a different setting and therefore requires a different set of actions.
  • To enable six visitors exploring one room in parallel it is divided in six exhibits.
  • The interaction between the physical reality and the augmented reality results in a magical immersive experience that is quite unique.

Who is HIGGS?

The AR robot H.I.G.G.S. (Hyper Intelligent Guiding Gadget System) is looking for human interaction and especially tries to find the professor who disappeared for her next expedition and left him behind. The visitors soon understand their purpose as a physical helper to the robot.

  • ARdventure Higgs

The episodes

Temple of rain (old Maya temple)

Try to uncover the mystery of the Maya civilisation. How did the Maya try to appease the gods to bring rain?

Aurora Borealis (arctic research ship)

Accompany H.I.G.G.S. on an arctic research ship. Collect data on the past and present climate and gain more insight about the Earth and the negative effects of climate change.

Habitat Red 6 (habitat in the desert)

Support H.I.G.G.S. in completing the habitat research project! What insights will you gain on the complex ecosystem of the Earth?

A(R)dventures could also be yours!

We are working on formats and possibilities to pass on the unique expertise we have gained through this project to other science centers and museums.

Mag.a Gerlinde Podjaversek

Exhibition & International Projects